Water Week in Tanzania has since 2019 incorporated an annual International Maji Scientific Conference (IMSC) under the Ministry of Water (MoW) guidance. For the past three years the IMSC has been organized by the Water Institute an agency of the MoW mandated to conduct training, research and consultancy. The IMSC has continually grown to international levels and attracts over 400 delegates from all over the world, and over 40 presentations and exhibitions in relevant topics; technical and non-technical staff, from private and public entities; participating in physical and virtual presentations and workshops.
The rationale for IMSCs is to provide a platform for presentation and discussion of water and sanitation researches, practices, and experiences for the purpose of in long term empowering and sustaining the sector against national, regional and global challenges, and simultaneously enabling attainment of short term global goals such as UN’s SDG 2030, more specifically of safe water and sanitation for all (Goal 6), and Africa Agenda 2063 on enhancing water security and climate resilience (Goal 7).
The IMSC 2025 has centred itself towards exploring and exploiting solutions that can stand the current tensions and stresses brought forth by climate changes. Presenters will deliver their feedback on current and foreseen climate related sectoral challenges and potential research areas for future work will be formulated. Within the scope of climate induced challenges, it is further expected that delegates will share their concerns regarding financial empowerment, digital integration, legal frameworks, nature-based solutions and other important aspects of water and sanitation solutions amidst climate change
1. Innovative Water and Sanitation Management in Changing Climates (IWSM)
2. Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation Solutions (SUWS)
3. Community-Based Approaches to Water and Sanitation Resilience (CBAW)
4. Policy and Governance for Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation (PGCR)
5. Financing Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Systems (FCRW)
Start of submission of paper abstracts
Start of conference online registration
End of submission of paper abstracts
Notification of acceptance of paper abstracts
End of conference online registration
Mlimani City Dar es Salaam